doula services
CALM + CONFIDENT (Prenatal Only)
This option is perfect for the mama/family that is looking for education, support and birth preparation throughout her pregnancy only (no birth support). Meet with Ashley from conception to birth. Feel confident in your Birth Plan and preparations to conquer your birth.

PEACEFUL + POWERFUL (Prenatal + Birth)
This is a great option for a mama/family who desires birth education and preparation but who also wants an additional advocate and loving presence and guidance during her birthing time. This option includes prenatal visits, attendance of the birth, and a postpartum wrap-up visit.

BLISSFUL + BEAMING (Prenatal + Birth + Postpartum)
This option is for the mama/family who desires the same empowered education and preparation but who may also need additional support beyond pregnancy and birth to help her navigate through this major life transition. This option includes (but not limited to): prenatal visits, attendance of the birth, and several postpartum visits which are accommodated to the family’s needs (ie run an errand, tend to the laundry, walk the dog, allow mama a nap, be a listening ear, etc).

From pregnancy, birth and beyond, I have designed services so you are lusciously supported.
All the luscious mama resources you could need on this beautiful journey of mamahood.

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